Write a Budget- This is the week to write a budget. You have already made a list of all your spending, so use that when you make your budget. Budget in everything from groceries, eating out, utilities, gas, savings, play money and whatever else you spend money on each week/month. This will give you a better idea of how much money you need each month to survive, how much you can cut back on and how much you can save.
It's gonna be tough-but I can do it!
ReplyDeleteWrite a Budget. This could not have been reiterated more than enough when I started trading. In fact, this has been my mantra ever since. Having a budget stops me from overspending, especially when I am poised to enter my investment amount. Plus I am lucky that I have a reputable trading platform www.traderush-review.com traderush broker review sites where my visions as a trader are protected: profitable gains.