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Welcome to Debt Free You
We're just two friends looking for a way to save a buck and keep it together!

Sherrie and Adrianne met just a little over two years ago at church and quickly discovered that they have a lot in common. Not only are they both laid back, goal oriented, and fun to be around-they are business minded-techno savvy ladies!

Sherrie spent years traveling around the world and grew to love Guatemala. She currently runs a non-profit called Guatemala Embrace Effort. Their mission is to help underfunded schools get much needed supplies and buildings. She's also wildly creative and a talented artist! Sherrie and her husband are always dreaming up business ideas and thinking of how they can help more people.

Adrianne runs a little tutoring business and authors another blog called The Tutor House where she shares tips and business ideas with other tutors. She has fallen in love with tutoring and the blogging world. At times though, she would wish that she had time to write about other passions of hers too like organization, crafts, art, and more. Her husband patiently supports her as she takes leaps of faith into new adventures.

Another shared trait between us is our passion to be DEBT FREE.  It brings us such joy to be free of financial burdens and we want to help other learn how to do that!  But we have to make it a little bit fun too.  We'll be doing weekly challenges (more on that to come).  So make sure to follow us and get all the latest up dates. 

So, Sherrie and Adrianne decided to team up and write a blog together! We're not perfect nor claim to be experts on anything we write, but we're just two moms trying to keep it together. We'll share our little finds and snippet's along the way. We also decided to sell Paparazzi Jewelry because it's amazing stuff and such a deal at just $5.00.

If you need to contact us, please email us at:


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